How To Get Away With White Collar Crime

How To Get Away With White Collar Crime
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Court House

Court House
No Justice!!!

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Discharge Certificate Complaint

The complaint was filed 11/27/2012, in case 05CF63 with the Milwaukee parole agent assigned to this case.  She and I disagree on the number of cases.  There is one case with two sentencing structures, New Law and Truth-in-Sentencing running currently to each other according to the judgment of conviction.  Her claim is there are two cases and the discharge certificate is for one of those cases, the imprisonment portion and not extended supervision (parole).

The agent's supervisor did contact me on March 20, 2013, informing me that I have a new Milwaukee parole agent and there is another supervisor along with a new region chief.  The chief starts on Monday.  My complaint will be addressed by the new supervisor,  however the previous supervisor stated that she agrees with the parole agent; that's fine, just put it in writing so I can move to the next stage in the proceedings.

Our beloved President has stated time and time again; "that we are a nation of laws"; a civilized God fearing people governed by law and order as it is written.  I will saddle up my horse early next week and head out to Wisconsin to see if we can work this out.

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