How To Get Away With White Collar Crime

How To Get Away With White Collar Crime
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Court House

Court House
No Justice!!!

Friday, March 15, 2013

Department of Correction 328.11 Client Complaint Process

Discharge Certificate:  The client filed a complaint with the DOC agent who has refused to restore his civil rights.

(5) Filing A Complaint

     (a)  A client may initiate a review of a decision by filing a complaint with the agent.

The Client Complaint was dated 11/27/2012
The agent reply was dated 1/02/3013

     (c)  If the complaint is not resolved as provided under par. (b), the client may file a written request for review directed to the agent's supervisor.

The client had not received a reply by 1/04/2013.  The client filed a Request For Review dated 1/04/2013.  On January 05, 2013, the client received a reply from the agent.  January 08, 2013, the client filed a response to the agent's reply dated 1/04/2013.

(6) Supervisor's Investigation and Decision.  (a) Upon receipt of a written request for review, the supervisor shall notify the agent of its receipt.  The agent shall be given an opportunity to respond to the complaint in writing within 5 working days of notice to the agent.  (b)  The supervisor shall review the complaint and agent's response and may interview the client and others to investigate the complaint within 10 working days of receipt of the complaint.  (c)  Within 5 working days after the supervisor's investigation is completed, the supervisor shall issue a written decision, stating the reasons for it.  Copies of the decision shall be sent to the client and the agent.

The supervisor has refused to reply to the clients request for a decision or provide a status report regarding the complaint.

(7)  Appeal of Supervisor's Decision.  (a) The client or agent may appeal the supervisor's decision in writing within 5 working days to the regional chief, stating the reasons for the appeal and requesting further review.

The client posted a letter March 07, 2013, to the acting regional chief; there has been no reply.

(8)  Appeal Of The Regional Chief's Decision.  (a)  If the client, agent, or supervision disagrees with the decision of the regional chief, he may within 5 working days of receipt of the decision, appeal in writing to the administrator of probation and parole.

     (c)  The administrator's decision regarding the complaint shall be final.

(9)  Effect of Appeal on Disputed Decision.  During the period required under this section to investigate any complaint or review any decision, the affected parties shall comply with the decision under dispute.

(10)  Expedited Appeal.  If resolution of a complaint under the periods of time provided for under this section would moot the complaint, the complaint process shall be expedited.

(11)  PENALTIES.  No penalties to a client shall result from the mere filing of a complaint by the client.

The client has to exhaust his administrative procedures before filing a claim in circuit court.

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