How To Get Away With White Collar Crime

How To Get Away With White Collar Crime
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Friday, December 5, 2014

Dr. Ben Carson on Government Intimidation

Dr. Ben Carson stood by his comparison of the United States to Nazi Germany.  He noted that the third Reich was "using its tools to intimidate the population", and said that "we now live in a society where people are afraid to say what they actually believe."  he further stated that "government is using instruments of government, like the IRS, to punish its opponents."  "The point of what I'm saying . . . is a major fundamental shift of power has occurred," from the people to the government.

The record demonstrates that "states" that make up the United States of America like Wisconsin are leading the way and have been for sometime.  Wisconsin has attacked the weakest link, it's Black and Brown community with the "school to prison" project; truth-in-sentencing - the worst thing "since slavery".  I have first hand experience with instruments of government used by Wisconsin particularly in Milwaukee, like the DA's Office, Department of Revenue, Department of Corrections and the courts.

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