How To Get Away With White Collar Crime

How To Get Away With White Collar Crime
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Court House

Court House
No Justice!!!

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Wisconsin Court of Appeals NOTICE OCTOBER 21, 2013

I received this notice from the Court of Appeals:

The appellant submitted one copy of his appellant brief and appendix.  An indigent appellant must file five copies of the brief and appendix.  Cleveland must mail four additional copies.  We will not accept the brief for filing until we receive the additional copies.  The brief is not due until forty days from the date the record is transmitted to this court.

The record has not yet been transmitted, so the due date for the brief has not been established.  The four additional copies must be filed no later than the date the brief is due.

It is ordered that Cleveland Lee shall file four additional copies of the brief and appendix no later than forty days after the date the record is transmitted to this court.

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