How To Get Away With White Collar Crime

How To Get Away With White Collar Crime
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Court House

Court House
No Justice!!!

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Wisconsin Court of Appeals District 1

I filed my notice of appeal challenging the decision and order denying my discharge certificate for case #05CF63, violations of Wis. Stats. 943.20 (1) (b) and 943.38 (2).  The discharge certificate states that "you (talking about me) have satisfied said judgment"  An inferior non legal mind would understand this to mean that the person who received this discharge certificate has completed the sentences that make up his judgment of conviction, right?  That's not all; this legal document further states that "it is ordered that effective July 27, 2012, you are discharged from said judgment only".  Signed by the Secretary of Wisconsin Department of Corrections, who is responsible for the care and safety of the person until his civil rights are restored by the department.  The department has not amended, corrected, withdrawn or issued a different discharge certificate.

September 12, 2013, Wisconsin Court of Appeals District 1, assigned Appeal No. 2013AP002029, Circuit Court Case No. 2013CV006447, three judge appeal.

The briefing schedule should be sent soon.  This has been a legalized screwing mastered by legal magicians who excel at the art of misdirection.  They promote deprivation of liberty without the mandated legal procedures and safeguards, fail to observe the laws of the State of Wisconsin and practice a blatant bias disregard of the charter of its existence.  God Bless America!!

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