How To Get Away With White Collar Crime

How To Get Away With White Collar Crime
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Court House

Court House
No Justice!!!

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Federal Writ of Certiorari

May 7, 2013, The Wisconsin Attorney General Department of Justice was asked to waive service of a summons in accordance with rule 4 of the Federal Rules on civil procedure that "requires certain defendants to cooperate in saving unnecessary expenses of serving summons and complaint".  The attorney general office refused, therefore, taxpayers... "will be required to pay the expense of service, unless the defendant shows cause for the failure".

June 25, 2013, the writ and summons was served by Dane County Sheriff's Office on Wisconsin Department of Revenue.

July 11, 2013, the United States District Court for the Southern District of Texas Houston Division issued its Order To Show Cause and to appear before the court on August 13, 2013, at 3 p.m. and present federal statutes and case law in support of his position that the court has "subject matter jurisdiction" over the case.

July 15, 2013, plaintiff received Wisconsin Department of Revenue attorney's brief.  The Attorney General Department of Justice filed a motion to dismiss the suit.  The argument is based on the following legal claims:

     1.  The Tax Injunction Act.
     2.  The Rooker-Feldman Doctrine.
     3.  Claim Preclusion.
     4.  Eleventh Amendment immunity from suit in federal court.

...and the beat goes on.

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